This document regulates the general terms and conditions applicable to the access and use that the User will make on the website: www.adclean.cl (hereinafter "ADCLEAN.CL," "WWW.ADCLEAN.CL," or "the Website"), as well as any type of information, content, image, video, audio, or other material communicated or present on the Website.

For the purposes of this document, "Website" shall mean the external appearance of the screen interfaces, both in static and dynamic form, i.e., the navigation tree; and all elements integrated into both the screen interfaces and the navigation tree (hereinafter, "Contents") and all those products, services, or online features that may be offered to users (hereinafter, "Services").

ADCLEAN.CL reserves the right to modify, at any time, and without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the Website and the Contents and Services that may be incorporated therein. The User acknowledges and accepts that at any time ADCLEAN.CL may interrupt, deactivate, and/or cancel any of these elements integrated into the Website or access to them.

The access and use of the website and related or annexed content, as described in this document, will be governed entirely by the laws of the Republic of Chile. Visits and transactions carried out through the Website are subject to current Chilean legislation, and in particular to the application of Law No. 19.628 on the Protection of Personal Data and Law No. 19.496 on Consumer Rights and its Regulations. Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Use described in this document is a requirement for purchasing on the Website.

Additionally, this Website and its contents, as well as the transactions that may take place on it, are intended solely for individuals residing or domiciled in Chile, whether they are Chileans or foreigners.

Therefore, ADCLEAN.CL cannot guarantee to individuals who do not meet the previously described requirements that the Website will comply, totally or partially, with foreign laws. Thus, ADCLEAN.CL is not responsible in cases where foreign Users, without residence or domicile in Chile, have access to or proceed to navigate the Website.

It is recommended that the User carefully read the content of these Terms and Conditions of Use, as well as print and keep a copy of them on a local storage disk drive or portable storage for convenience and security. An updated copy of these Terms and Conditions of Use can be downloaded directly from the Website.


The ownership of ADCLEAN.CL corresponds to Adclean SpA, Tax ID: 77.383.833-K; duly represented by Mr. Mauricio Navarrete Muñoz, General Manager, ID card number 15.369.926-7. His authority to act on behalf of Adclean SpA is stated in the public deed dated May 11, 2021, which was executed at the Notary Public office of Mr. Juan Ricardo San Martin Urrejola

Special Representative.

Additionally, to facilitate the sending of any type of communication, presentation, query, or complaint related to the use or operation of the Website, or with the transactions that have been carried out, and without prejudice to the powers of its other managers and attorneys-in-fact, Adclean SpA proceeds to appoint, as a special representative, Ms. Mariela Galeas Zagal, in the position of Office Manager, who will receive all types of communications at the email address: mailto:clientes@adclean.cl or on the corporate WhatsApp channel with the phone number: +56966424699, which will only be available for Customer Service purposes between 9:00 am to 6:00 pm from Monday to Thursday, and Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, except for holidays. Ms. Mariela Galeas Zagal is domiciled for these purposes at Avenida Kennedy 7900 office 904, Vitacura commune.


The Terms and Conditions are considered known from the moment the User accesses the Website or its contents, as well as all its future modifications that may be made to the Terms and Conditions, without prejudice to what future legislation enacted in the Republic of Chile to regulate this type of document or applicable to the use of Websites may establish.

Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.

Merely visiting and navigating the Website does not impose any obligation on the User, unless the User expressly states, through positive acts, his willingness to accept the Terms and Conditions to purchase goods or services, following the steps indicated on the Website.

To accept these Terms and Conditions, the user must click where the ADCLEAN.CL website offers this option on the User interface with the phrase "I agree to the terms and conditions" or another equivalent that allows giving unequivocal consent regarding acceptance. Acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, in the prescribed manner, will not admit any subsequent claim by the User, in the sense of disowning its content, and it is his sole responsibility to read and inform himself of the Terms and Conditions.

It is a necessary requirement to accept the Terms and Conditions for the purchase of products on the Website, as described in this document.

User Registration and Secret Key.

As a general rule, to make transactions on the Website, it is not necessary to create a registration account or log in as a User. Exceptionally, if the User decides to register as a Registered User for the creation of an individual account, he can log in and fill in the required fields. The registration of each User will be verified by completing and signing the form provided by the Website for this purpose, as well as its subsequent submission, which will be done by "clicking" on the respective element within the Website.

Once the registration is complete, the Registered User will have a username and a password or secret key, through which he can not only access the Website and have access to its contents but also personalized, confidential, and secure access. The Registered User will have the possibility to change his password or secret key, for which there will be a procedure regulated within the Website and its structure.

The Registered User assumes full responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality of his registered password or secret key on the Website. This password or key is for personal use, so its voluntary delivery to third parties by the Registered User does not entail any responsibility on the part of ADCLEAN.CL, nor its affiliates and representatives, in the event of malicious use.

User Responsibilities.

ADCLEAN.CL provides the User with a service characterized by the diversity of the content provided. The User assumes responsibility when accessing the Website, to use it correctly and its contents. Thus, this responsibility will extend, in a non-exhaustive manner, to:

a.- Use the information, Contents, and/or Products and data offered by ADCLEAN.CL, without being contrary to these Terms and Conditions, as well as Chilean Legal System and Morality and Public Order, or that could in any other way lead to the violation of the rights of third parties, or the normal functioning and operations of the Website.

b.- The truthfulness and legality of the data and information provided by the User in the registration forms on the Website. In any case, the User will immediately notify ADCLEAN.CL of any event related to the misuse of information registered in such forms, such as, but not only, theft, loss, or unauthorized access to identifiers and/or passwords, in order to proceed with their immediate cancellation.

ADCLEAN.CL reserves the right to remove all comments and interactions emanating from Users that violate the law, respect for the dignity of the person, are discriminatory based on race, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, lineage, or condition, as well as those that contain pornographic content or constitute messages known as "spam," or that threaten youth or childhood, order, or public safety or that, in the opinion of ADCLEAN.CL, are not suitable for the Website.

However, ADCLEAN.CL is not responsible for the opinions, of any kind, expressed by Users through comments or blogging or microblogging tools or extensions.

Simple access to WWW.ADCLEAN.CL does not imply a commercial relationship between ADCLEAN.CL and the User.

Legal Capacity.

The User declares to be of legal age and to have the necessary and sufficient legal capacity to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. ADCLEAN.CL is not directed at minors, declining any responsibility for non-compliance with this requirement.

However, the legal capacity rules established in the legal system will govern in all cases where their application is pertinent. Therefore, if a person does not have legal capacity to contract, they must refrain from using the Contents and Services that require this capacity. ADCLEAN.CL may, at any time, temporarily or definitively suspend the participation of users who are found to lack legal capacity to use the Services and Content that require it or who provide false, inaccurate, or fraudulent information to the Website.

The Website is mainly aimed at Users residing in the Republic of Chile. ADCLEAN.CL does not guarantee that the Website complies, partially or totally, with the laws of other countries. If the User resides or is domiciled in a foreign country and decides to access and/or browse this Website, they will do so at their own risk, ensuring that such access and navigation comply with the provisions of the local legislation applicable to them, and ADCLEAN.CL assumes no responsibility that may arise from such access.


The User declares that he is aware of the technological nature of the Website and its content and that, therefore, he is naturally and inherently exposed to interruptions and/or unavailability, which are not necessarily under the control and responsibility of Adclean SpA.

Given the aforementioned nature, Adclean SpA may, from time to time, voluntarily affect the availability of the Website, especially but not limited to, for maintenance purposes, both preventive and corrective, to update its content, to safeguard the security and integrity of the Website, or for similar reasons.

The Website uses origin, own, and third-party cookies, both temporary and permanent, which are used to store non-personal identification information of Users. Acceptance of this Agreement will constitute the User's unequivocal acceptance of the use of information. The User must consult the instructions of his browser, especially regarding settings, where he can choose the functionality that communicates the existence of cookies and/or prevents the installation of cookies. Without access to cookies, the User may not have access to certain features available on the Website. Consequently, if the user does not have cookies enabled, they may not have access to certain tools on the Website, or proper functionality may be affected.

Que es de su responsabilidad contar con sistemas de antivirus, firewall y/u otros análogos, los cuales deberán estar permanentemente actualizados.


To make purchases or transactions on the Website, the following steps must be followed:

a.- a. To start the purchase process, it is necessary to select one or more Products indicated on the Website and add them to the shopping cart, or a similar option with similar names ("cart," "bag," "basket," for example) and select the requested quantity. The Website will provide all necessary references for the products, such as dimensions, color, weight, materials, usage restrictions, and relevant care. Likewise, it will inform if there is available stock of products to continue with the purchase process. If there is no available stock, the purchase process cannot continue.

b.- The User can view the products included in their shopping cart, with an indication of the subtotal amount of the purchase, taxes included, and shipping costs of the purchase, which will be calculated at the checkout. In case the User requires the issuance of a sales invoice, they must indicate Name, Business Name, Business Type, Tax ID, Billing Address, and Email in the available field for this purpose. If the User has a discount coupon, they must indicate it in the indicated field, and its validation will be done at the checkout.

c.- Before proceeding to checkout, the User must expressly state that he agrees to the Terms and Conditions of Use. If the User does not express the fact of agreeing to the Terms and Conditions of Use, the checkout will not proceed.

d.- Once at checkout, the User must enter their email and indicate whether or not they authorize the sending of news and offers to the said email, which is not mandatory to continue with the transaction.

c.- The User can log in to the Website with their email and individual password or register on the Website as a Registered User. If not registered and if desired, the User can use the icon and menu corresponding to this option. In any case, the User can continue the transaction as a visitor.

e.- To continue with checkout, the User must complete the shipping information form, indicating: Country (currently only Chile is allowed as an option), Name and Surname, Address, Apartment (optional), Postal Code (optional), Commune, Region, and Telephone (optional). Once this information is completed, it must be pressed to "continue with the shipment." In case basic information is missing to complete this form, the Website will expressly indicate it.

f.- Once the above form is completed, in the "Shipments" section, the User can select the alternatives offered by the Website for the shipment of the Products indicated in the transaction. The Website will indicate the shipping options with their respective shipping costs or if one or more of these options are free, along with an indication of the approximate shipping times. In the case of selecting the in-store pickup option, the User will be informed by email about the availability of pickup.

To continue, the User must select the shipping method and click the payment button.

e.- By pressing "continue to payment," the User can review the summary of their order, the subtotal amount of the purchase, the shipping cost, and the total amount to be paid with taxes included. Also, the User can select the billing address among the available options or complete the indicated form if the billing address is different. At the end of the order, the User will be redirected to the Payment Platform of Mercado Pago or another payment gateway that may be implemented in the future, and whose use will be governed by the existing terms and conditions of use on each of those platforms.

f.- Once this is done, the transaction is perfected, and the charge is made to the selected payment method. Subsequently, the purchase receipt will be sent to the email registered in the purchase form with the corresponding electronic invoice or receipt, confirming that the product will be shipped according to the selected delivery method.


Unless different means are indicated for specific cases or offers, the products that are informed and transacted on this Website can only be paid through the Mercado Pago platform, using the credit cards enabled and validly issued in Chile or abroad, and by debit cards or prepaid cards covered by the Payment Platform that are accepted or enabled to make payments, being validly issued by authorized banks or card issuers and that the Payment Platform is responsible for making the automatic charge to the User's bank account or prepaid account.

Other payment methods that may be announced and accepted in the future will be duly informed through the appropriate channels and means.

The User declares that they understand that these payment methods or portals are owned by third-party companies or individuals providing such services, independent and not affiliated with ADCLEAN.CL. Therefore, the continuity of their service provision over time, as well as the proper functioning of their online payment tools and buttons, is the exclusive responsibility of the providers of these services and in no case of ADCLEAN.CL.


Products purchased through the Website will be subject to the dispatch, delivery, and withdrawal conditions chosen by the User, within those available on the Website. The information regarding the delivery address or location is the sole responsibility of the User.

The User may inquire about the status of the delivery or dispatch and/or file complaints in case of delays in delivery or dispatch by sending an email to mailto:clientes@adclean.cl or on the corporate WhatsApp channel with the phone number: +56966424699, which will only be available for Customer Service purposes between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm from Monday to Thursday, and Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, excluding holidays.


The User shall enjoy all the rights granted by the current consumer protection legislation in Chile, in addition to the rights provided in these Terms and Conditions and those referred to in the current Exchange and Returns Policy on the Website. Additionally, the User will have at all times the rights of information, rectification, and cancellation of personal data in accordance with Law No. 19,628 on the protection of personal data, as referred to in the Privacy Policy, in force on the Website.

Right of Withdrawal.

According to Article 3 bis of Law No. 19,496, in cases where a purchase or transaction has been made through electronic means, the User may cancel the purchase or transaction made on the Website, without stating a reason, within 10 days from the receipt of the product.

To exercise the right of withdrawal, the User must request the exchange or return of the Product by sending their request to the email mailto:clientes@adclean.cl or on the corporate WhatsApp channel with the phone number: +56966424699, in both cases indicating the order number. ADCLEAN.CL will respond promptly or within a maximum period of 12 hours, at the latest, with instructions to proceed with the exchange or return of the Product.

Also, it is necessary that the product is in perfect condition, that is: (a) the product must be new and in optimal conditions; (b) the product must not show traces of being used; (c) the product must not have dirt residues (such as soil, stones, etc.); and (d) the product must have its original labels attached and not tampered with.

To make the exchange or return, the User must present the receipt, dispatch guide, or any other proof of purchase.

In the case of used, opened, or defective products, ADCLEAN.CL will inform about their condition, providing all related information.

In case of product exchanges, the new products will be sent upon payment of the price difference if necessary, and only once the products to be exchanged have been received and reviewed at ADCLEAN.CL.

In the case of order cancellation, the money will be refunded through the same payment method used at the time of purchase and within 10 business days from the confirmed receipt of the product at ADCLEAN.CL. In any case, the deadlines and refund methods will depend on the payment method used in the purchase. Shipping costs are not subject to refund. If the User decides to cancel their purchase, even after it has been processed for dispatch (even if it has not been received yet), a refund will be made only for the total value of the purchased products, not the shipping cost.

However, the User cannot exercise the right of withdrawal when: (a) the product has deteriorated due to an act attributable to the User; or (b) it is a product for personal use.

To exercise this right, the User must use the same means used to make the purchase or transaction, and provided that ADCLEAN.CL has sent communication to the User, informing about the completion of the purchase or transaction and providing clear, understandable, and unequivocal access to the General Terms and Conditions and the possibility of keeping or printing such documents.

In case ADCLEAN.CL does not fully comply with the provisions of the previous paragraphs of this paragraph, the period available to the User to terminate the contract will be extended to 90 days.

ADCLEAN.CL will be obliged to refund the amounts paid, without retention of expenses, as soon as possible and, in any case, within 45 days of the withdrawal notification. It is noted that the refunded amount will correspond to the value of the Products for which the right of withdrawal is exercised, and the amounts related to the Product shipment will not be included.

Legal Guarantee.

As established in the Consumer Protection Law, the User, within the first 6 months from the delivery of the products purchased through the Website, may exercise the right to legal guarantee, provided that the damages or failures are not attributable to the User.

This right may be exercised when a product purchased on the Website presents faults or defects, the quantity or net content of the product is less than indicated on the packaging or container, or it has been dispatched with damages or incompleteness, in which case the User will have the right to choose, within 6 months from its receipt, one of the following alternatives:

  • By replacement or exchange of the product, upon its return. New products will be sent upon payment of the price difference if necessary, and only once the products to be exchanged have been received and reviewed at ADCLEAN.CL.; or,


  • By the refund of the paid price, upon the return of the product. The money will be refunded through the same payment method used at the time of purchase and within 10 business days from the confirmed receipt of the product at ADCLEAN.CL. In any case, the deadlines and refund methods will depend on the payment method used in the purchase. Shipping costs are not subject to refund.

In both cases, the return of the product can be made at the ADCLEAN.CL office or at a location agreed upon with a representative of the Website.

In the case of perishable products or those that by their nature are intended to be used or consumed in a short period, the deadline to exercise the legal guarantee will be printed on the product or its packaging or, failing that, the maximum term of seven days.

For the purposes of the legal guarantee, there will be considered a fault or defect:

  1. a) When products subject to mandatory safety or quality standards do not meet the corresponding specifications;
  2. b) When the materials, parts, pieces, elements, substances, or ingredients that constitute or integrate the products do not correspond to the specifications they claim or the labeling mentions;
  3. c) If any product, due to manufacturing, elaboration, materials, parts, pieces, elements, substances, ingredients, structure, quality, or sanitary conditions deficiencies, is not entirely suitable for the use or consumption to which it is intended or to which the supplier has indicated in its advertising;
  4. d) When ADCLEAN and the User have agreed that the products subject to the contract must meet certain specifications and this does not happen;
  5. e) When, after the first time the guarantee has been effective, the deficiencies persist that make the good unfit for the use or consumption referred to in letter c). Without prejudice to the foregoing, it will not be necessary to make effective the voluntary guarantee granted by the supplier to exercise the legal guarantee. In this event, you can choose between replacing the product or refunding the amount paid. This right will remain for the event of presenting a deficiency different from the one that was the subject of the first legal guarantee.
  6. f) When the thing subject to the contract has hidden defects or vices that make it impossible to use for its usual purpose;
  7. g) When the law of metals in goldsmith, jewelry, and others is lower than that indicated in them.

For these purposes, it will be considered that a single product is one that has been sold as a whole, even if it is made up of different units, parts, pieces, or modules, regardless of whether they can or cannot provide utility independently of each other. Notwithstanding the above, in the case of replacement, it may be carried out regarding a unit, part, piece, or module, provided that it is for another identical to the one being returned.


ADCLEAN.CL will not be liable, in any case, for the following events:

a.- Improper use that Users or visitors to the Website make of the stored content or the products they acquire through it, as well as the industrial or intellectual property rights contained on the Website, or in the products or services.

b.- Damages, whether specific or potential, caused to Users derived from the operation of the search tools on the Website, as well as errors generated by technical elements of the Site or the search engine.

c.- Content of Websites that Users may access with or without authorization from ADCLEAN.CL.

d.- Access by individuals who do not meet the age limit required for the use of the Website, following the Terms and Conditions as well as the current legislation regarding legal capacity.

e.- Loss, misuse, or unauthorized use of passwords or validation codes, either by the User or a third party, as expressed in these Terms and Conditions. Similarly, the parties acknowledge and record that the computer support provided by WWW.ADCLEAN.CL is not infallible; therefore, circumstances beyond the control of ADCLEAN.CL may occur that could cause the Website or its platform to be non-operational for a certain period.

f.- Information about ADCLEAN.CL found on Websites other than or unrelated to WWW.ADCLEAN.CL.

In the event of any of these cases, ADCLEAN.CL will take all measures to restore the proper functioning of the Website and its communication system as soon as possible, without any liability being attributed to it.

ADCLEAN.CL does not guarantee the availability or continuity of the operation of the Website, nor that Users can access it or the promotions and offers that may be available at any time.

ADCLEAN.CL is also not responsible for the existence of viruses or other harmful elements in documents or files stored on computer systems of any kind owned by Users. ADCLEAN.CL will not be liable for damages caused to the User, derived from the misuse of the technologies and platforms made available, regardless of how these technological elements are used inappropriately. Likewise, ADCLEAN.CL will not be liable for damages caused by the misuse or bad faith of Users when using WWW.ADCLEAN.CL.

However, in the event of a double payment by any User on the Website, ADCLEAN.CL will refund the full amount of the overpayment within 7 days of receiving the corresponding claim made by the User or their representatives, which must include annexes with the original payment receipts corresponding to the overpayment.

At the time of registration, login, for making transfers, and for communication, WWW.ADCLEAN.CL uses security digital certificates (SSL) to encrypt information. ADCLEAN.CL does not store or retain financial data of its Users.


ADCLEAN.CL will take all necessary measures to safeguard the data of its Users and secret key, such as information encryption systems, security certificates, and other similar or equivalent measures that ADCLEAN.CL deems prudent for these purposes. In the event of changes made by the User to the information registered or entered on the Website, or if any irregularity attributable to the User related to the information provided or transfers made by the User is detected, as well as everything related to identification in them or the use of means of payment or simply as a measure of identity protection, the personnel of the Website will contact the User, either by telephone or by email, to verify the data and information, as well as to prevent possible fraud.

In the event that contact is not established within 48 hours, and thinking about the User's security, any purchase of a product or hiring of a service will not be confirmed. The User will be informed by telephone or email about the fact that it has been rendered ineffective due to not being able to verify their identity or the payment method used. Additionally, the receipts that document the efforts made to try to contact the User with the aim of confirming the transaction will be available to the User for a period of 60 days, in case the User wants to confirm the purchase or hiring. Additional inquiries can be made through the contact channels with the Website established in the paragraph related to Website Information, present in this same Terms and Conditions document.

With all of the above, Users are fully responsible for the loss or misuse or unauthorized use that may occur with the purchased product, whether they or third parties are involved in the events described above, after making a purchase or hiring a service following the stipulated form in these Terms and Conditions.

Personal Data.

By accessing the WWW.ADCLEAN.CL Website, Users or visitors guarantee that the information they provide to enter or purchase products is truthful, complete, accurate, and up-to-date.

In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 19,628 on the Protection of Personal Data, the data of this type provided to the Website become part of a database belonging to ADCLEAN.CL and will be destined solely and exclusively for the purposes that motivated their delivery, especially for communication between ADCLEAN.CL and its Users, validating data related to purchases or hiring of services, completing dispatches, and responding to inquiries. This data will never be communicated or shared with other companies without the express authorization of its owner (the User) nor will it be transferred internationally.

ADCLEAN.CL will never request personal or financial data from its Users through emails.

ADCLEAN.CL assumes that the data entered by Users or persons authorized by them are correct and accurate. Users, by accepting these Terms and Conditions, express their agreement that the personal data provided when filling out forms on WWW.ADCLEAN.CL may be used later for the preparation and sending of offers that may differ from those offered on the Website.

Notwithstanding the above, ADCLEAN.CL guarantees all its Users the free exercise of the rights contemplated in Law No. 19,628 on the Protection of Personal Data regarding information, modification, cancellation, and blocking of their personal data. Consequently, Users may make requests related to the aforementioned rights, which will be answered by ADCLEAN.CL within a maximum period of two consecutive days.

Electronic Documents.

Users, as manual recipients of electronic documents as established in Exempt Resolution No. 11 of February 14, 2003, issued by the Internal Revenue Service, which establishes the procedure for authorized taxpayers to issue electronic documents can also send them by these means to manual recipients; declare and accept that, by approving these Terms and Conditions, they authorize ADCLEAN.CL, represented by ADCLEAN SpA, RUT: 77,383,833-K; duly represented by its General Manager, Mr. MAURICIO NAVARRETE MUÑOZ, national identity card No. 15,369,926-7, so that the tax document corresponding to the transaction for the purchase of a product or hiring of a service is delivered to them only through an electronic medium. Likewise, it is authorized that the notice of publication of the tax document be sent to Users by email.

In accordance with the aforementioned regulations, and in case the User needs to support their accounting information, they will assume, in relation to the aforementioned tax documents, the following obligations:

a.- Print the electronically received documents for each tax period, immediately after receiving them from the issuer.

b.- Print the document in its original size and form.

c.- Use original white paper of minimum size 21.5 cm x 14 cm (half letter) and maximum size 21.5 cm x 33 cm (letter).

d.- Print at a quality that ensures the legibility of the document for at least six years, as established by current legislation. Printing will be done using laser or inkjet methods unless a different method is established by future legislation or regulations on the subject.


All rights present on the Website, including intellectual property, regarding the same Website, pages, and other types of content, such as, but not limited to, texts of all kinds, graphic or audiovisual material (including, but not limited to, images, audio clips, and videos), logos and logos, icons of all kinds, downloadable material and content, data compilations and information, and source codes of the page, are owned by ADCLEAN.CL.

Likewise, all or part of the content mentioned in the previous paragraph is registered as a trademark, creation, or commercial image, therefore, the rights belong to ADCLEAN.CL, and its misuse and reproduction for commercial purposes without prior authorization are prohibited, as well as its use in any way that could discredit or negatively affect ADCLEAN.CL.

Any other trademark that has a presence on the Website and whose rights are not owned by ADCLEAN.CL will belong to their respective owners.


ADCLEAN.CL undertakes that, in case of sending any type of communication and information, including advertising or promotions, to any contact method provided by the User, including phone numbers or email, such communication will contain at least the following information:

a.- Identification of the type of message, making it clear to the User the type of information involved, especially if it is a message that contains advertising or promotions, all of which will appear in the subject field of the message (email) or will be informed first (voice or text phone communication).

b.- Existence of the consumer's right, recognized by Chilean regulations, related to the User's right to request the cessation of this type of messages from ADCLEAN.CL. At the same time, the obligation is recognized by ADCLEAN.CL to suspend the sending of information in case of receiving the request from the User.

c.- The guarantee of an expeditious, simple, and effective process in case the User wants to make the request, for which ADCLEAN.CL may require some type of information before carrying it out.

d.- In the case of advertising or promotions from external sites or from companies, companies, or brands associated with ADCLEAN.CL, the message will contain the necessary information to identify the advertiser, including its trade name if it has one.

Promotions offered through this Website are not necessarily the same as those offered by other sales channels used by companies, such as physical stores, TV or radio advertisements, catalogs, or others, unless expressly stated on this site or in the advertising of each promotion.


While the Website is available, these General Terms and Conditions of Use will have indefinite validity, unless ADCLEAN.CL exercises its discretionary power to terminate them, in which case Users will be duly notified by any reliable means. 
